Lancasters 8900 Full Sneak Whitetail Series Flehmen Specialty Pose A. 7 1/4″ x C. 19 1/2″

Lancasters 8900 Full Sneak Whitetail Series is a pose that will wow all of your customers and clients. This selection in the series comes in a right turn or a left turn and has a jaw cup included. Measurements for these forms are A. 7 1/4″ x B. 12 3/4″ C. 19 1/2″ x D. 22″ x M. 25″ with an eye width of 3 5/8″. This series offers a full sneak posture that emphasizes the strength of these animals by showing the curves from the shoulder, through the neck, and to the jawline.

$ 101.75


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