Have your antlers preserved in velvet with a revolutionary process. Approx wait time is around 3 weeks.
Questions about our Velvet Service?
Call us at 1-800-826-0654
Velvet Service Pricing
Due to variation in antlers, it is impossible to give you an average price.
Every set of antlers starts out a Base price of $100Â then the antlers are measured in bone inches, you need to measure both the main beam lengths and tines which come off of them in inches. Total both sides up and multiply by the inch price and add the $100.00 base price.
($100 base price) + (bone inches x cents per inch) = price of velvet service.
This price does not include the shipping cost to and from us. Remember even though you may have sent a set of antlers to us in one box, doesn’t mean it can be returned to you in just one. After the velvet service has been completed, we wrap them really well in bubble pack to protect the antlers from damage during transit.
Following are the bone charges for the different species.
- 75¢ per inch for the Deer family (Mule, Whitetail, Blacktail, Axis, Fallow and most other exotic deer)
- 90¢ per inch for Caribou and Reindeer
- 95¢ per inch for Elk
- $1.05 per inch for Moose.*
Moose are measured differently; you need to measure from the base of the antler to the top of the palm. Then measure the length of all the tines of the palm, measure the brow tines, and the width of the palms. Add all of the measurements up left side and right side. Now multiply the total inches by the cents per inch.
Stripping Process
Velvet Service Stripping Process
Take these simple steps to strip your antlers before sending them to Research Mannikins.
Option 1 – Fresh
- Soak entire set-in salt water. It may take a week to totally rehydrate. The salt will help to draw out any blood.
- Using a pressure washer, strip all tissue and natural velvet off the antlers. At this time, you can also strip the skull cap of all meat tissue.
- Hang antlers up and let drain. Ship them after they are totally dry.
- Save a large portion of the velvet that was stripped off and allow it to dry completely. Send this sample color in with antlers.
Option 2 – Dried
- Place skull cap in a boiling pot of water and put a large plastic garbage bag over the antlers.
- Puncture a small hole into the top of the bag to create a vent, and place the bag into the pot so that it captures the steam.
- Continue to steam the antlers until the velvet becomes soft enough to strip from the antlers.
- Once it is soft, remove from the pot and pressure wash the velvet off of the antlers and allow to dry.
- Save a large portion of the velvet that was stripped off and allow it to dry completely. Send this sample color in with antlers.
Caution: After soaking and stripping, you will probably find a lot of bloody liquid will drain out. Make sure you hang the antlers where critters cannot get to them.
Note: There is a substantial charge if we have to clean your antlers for you.
Shipping Process
Velvet Service Shipping Process
Once cleaned and after the bones are dry, or if you have a pair of sheds, send them to:
Research Mannikins
315 W. Sherman St
Lebanon, OR 97355
Due to the US Fish and Wildlife regulations, all Canadian customers need to contact us at 1-800-826-0654 before shipping the antlers.
Be sure to include your name, phone number and the color desired with your antlers. Also, if you have a photo of the natural velvet for comparison, send that with your order also.
Fast Turnaround Guaranteed!
Research Mannikins’ World-Famous Super Service. We’ll regrind your circular knife and have it shipped and billed to you within 48 hours after we receive it. $38.50 (Blades machined to standard specs). Custom sharpening available.
Send your blades to our closest location:
315 W. Sherman St.
Lebanon, OR 97355
143 Lupine Lane
Ava, IL 62907